Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The End?

Yay! I finally made it!

I have to say, contrary to what I thought in the beginning, a lot of these activities were fun and interesting. Some things were not new to me but some of them were. I think my favorite discovery was the Google Reader and learning how to follow RSS feeds. I had no idea that you could consolidate your blog-reading to one location like that. It's a huge time-saver and actually more simple than I thought at first.

In terms of using the skills I've learned in the library, the most useful discovery was finding out about some of the amazingly helpful text-to-speech capabilities of some of the databases that we already have in our virtual library. This is something that will be incredibly helpful to our ESL students and I plan on showing it to them every chance I get.


I think the one regret about this is that I didn't have the time to work on these week-to-week and instead had to work on them in spurts. It was really fun and informative, but I think I would have gotten a lot more out of each thing if I could have worked on them one at a time. If I had, I would have been able focus more on each task and really immersing myself in it instead of having to jump right into the next one.

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